Reasons Why Dachshunds are the Worst Breed to Own

Dachshunds are cute little dogs with long bodies and short legs. They’re not just cute; they’ve got interesting personalities that many dog lovers adore. However, Owning a Dachshund is not easy, that may be challenging also.

Before you decide to bring one home, there are some important things to think about. In this article, we will dive into the reasons why getting a Dachshund might not be the best choice for everyone. So, Let’s get started.

Why Dachshunds are the worst breed?

Dachshund puppies can be challenging due to their stubbornness and tendency to bark excessively. Their small size also makes them prone to health issues, requiring extra care and attention. However, they can make loyal and loving companions with proper training and socialization.

Here are some important this that people might consider before getting a Dachshunds:

1. Temperament Issue

Do not get a doxing if you cannot handle their temperament. According to the American Kennel Club’s description of Dachshunds, this breed is stubborn and tenacious. For this reason, Dachshund does not always make a great choice for novice and first-time pet parents.

If given the opportunity, these dogs will boss you around the house; if you are not a quick thinker, they can even outsmart you to get what they want. Dachshund puppies learn well from an owner who is firm, patient, and consistent with the training.

As soon as you take them home, let them know that You are the leader of the pack. Otherwise, they won’t hesitate to take the role, which can bring new trouble later on as they won’t listen to your commands anymore.

2. Traning Challenge

Dachshunds are not ideal for people that not patient enough with potty training. Aside from being stubborn, Dachshund puppies are also known for being challenging to potty train. Therefore, if you are not patient and persistent with potty training them, then consider having another dog break. Otherwise, you’ll have a dog that will relieve itself inside the house.

Training Dachshund puppies to use the bathroom can be tricky, but if you stay patient and stick to a routine, you can help them learn. Here are some tips:

  • Start teaching them early on, and it’s a good idea to check with your vet first.
  • Adjust how often you take them outside depending on how old they are.
  • If you’re not home during the day, think about using special pads for puppies inside or ask someone to help out.
  • It’s best to train them in warmer months like spring or summer and avoid doing it in cold winters.
  • Using a crate can help stop accidents when you’re not around.
  • Remember always to be consistent, use treats and praise when they do well, and pay attention to what your Dachshund needs.

3. Pron to Health Issues

If you’re not ready to deal with some special needs, think twice about getting a Dachshunds. Their unique body shape makes them prone to back problems, with around 25% of them experiencing issues due to a genetic disease called Intervertebral Disc Disease. This disease isn’t predictable, so there’s no guarantee your dog will or won’t suffer from it.

Also, Dachshund puppies tend to eat a lot and can easily gain weight, which puts extra pressure on their spine and can worsen back problems. Be prepared for potential vet bills, including surgery costs. Getting pet insurance for your Dachshund is a good idea if you can afford it, as it can help cover these expenses. Here are some common health issues and their symptoms that dachshunds may suffer.

Health IssueSymptoms
Back ProblemsDifficulty in standing or walking, reluctance to jump
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)Pain or weakness in the back or neck, loss of coordination
ObesityWeight gain, reduced activity levels
Hip DysplasiaDifficulty rising, limping, decreased activity
EpilepsySeizures, loss of consciousness
Eye ProblemsRedness, discharge, cloudiness in the eyes
Ear InfectionsScratching at ears, head shaking, foul odor
Dental IssuesBad breath, swollen gums, difficulty eating

It’s important to consult with a veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms in your Dachshund to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

4. Need Time and Attention

Caring for a Dachshund requires time and attention. If you’re considering getting a dachshund puppy, make sure you can give them plenty of time and attention. They are happiest when they’re with their owner. They like to follow their owner around the house, even into the bathroom.

But here’s the thing: Dachshunds can feel sad and bored if they don’t get enough love and attention. This might make them develop separation anxiety, which is when they feel anxious when you leave them alone.

So, for people, who are super busy and not home much, Dachshunds might not be the best pet for them. They need someone to spend time with them and give them the love they deserve.

5. Highly Energetic

If you’re thinking about getting a Dachshund, don’t expect a couch potato. These dogs might be small, but they’ve got a lot of energy because they were originally bred for hunting.

So, if you want a happy Dachshund, you’ll need to give them plenty of exercise. After a good run or playtime, they’ll be happy to chill with you indoors.

But if you’re hoping for a dog that’ll lounge around on the sofa all day, a Dachshund might not be the best fit for you. They’re more active and need to burn off that energy.

6. Excessive Barking

If you live in a place where noise is a concern, think twice about getting a Dachshund. These dogs are great at alerting you to any activity around your home with their barks, even at small sounds.

Because they’re so alert, they might not be the best fit for neighbors close by. But don’t worry; with proper training and socialization from a young age, you can help reduce their barking habits.

So, if you’re considering a Dachshund, be prepared to invest time in training them to keep the peace in your neighborhood.

7. High Prey Drive

If you have small pets like cats or rabbits at home, it’s best to reconsider getting a Dachshund. These dogs have a strong hunting instinct so they might see your little pets as prey.

When out in public, it’s important to keep them on a leash because they can get excited and chase after squirrels or birds. You wouldn’t want to risk losing them.

So, if you have small pets, think twice before bringing a Dachshund into your home to ensure everyone’s safety and peace.

8. Digging Issue

If you can’t stand having a dog that digs, you should consider getting a Dachshund. They were originally bred to hunt badgers, so they have an instinct to dig when they catch a scent.

Even today, Dachshunds still have this digging tendency. So, if you have a garden, it’s best not to leave it unsupervised outside, or you might find some unexpected holes.

9. Need Long-Term Commitment

If you’re not ready for a long-term commitment, getting a Dachshund (or any other dog) might not be the best idea. These pups typically live for 12 to 16 years when cared for properly, which means they need a loving home for a long time.

Owning a dog is like adding a new family member, and they’ll give you love and companionship throughout their lives. Even though their lifespan isn’t as long as ours, they’ll make every moment count by being loyal and loving.

So, before deciding if a Dachshund is right for your home, think about whether you’re ready for that long-term commitment.

10. Compatibility Issue

Dachshunds are generally not the best choice for homes with small children. Although they love to play, they’re prone to back injuries and may nip if they feel scared or threatened. Young kids might not understand this, which could lead to accidents.

It’s better to have older children who can play safely with Dachshunds. But if you still want a Dachshund with younger kids around, always supervise their interactions to prevent any accidents.


In the end, Dachshund puppies might not suit everyone, but they have their special qualities. With a dedicated owner who puts in time and effort for their care and training, Dachshunds can be fantastic friends.

Before getting any dog, it’s essential to think about the good and bad points. However, with love, patience, and knowing their needs, Dachshunds can be happy pets in the right home.

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